Saturday, April 11, 2009


The reason I created Budo Martial Arts Academy was for attaining self perfection and here in this blog I have vented out my anger and my feeling of betrayal this person had done to me after 28 years of dedication. Who am I to punish some one? God is there to take note of ones actions and he keeps the account.

My intention to write this blog is to speak the truth of my life, 28 years is not a small time, it is a life time.

"Budo" means attaining self perfection through Karate!
"Do" means throw away anger, selfishness, desires and learning to be content with what ones has and also accept the fact that what ever happens in life is for a reason.

Instead of looking at the good side of things, I started to look at the bad side of things which was taking away the good side of me and making my negativity stronger. How can I be in Budo when I have anger, negativity and hatred towards some one? The answer is I can't. This person knowingly or unknowingly taught me good things/values even though he did not follow them in his own life, but my parents also gave me good values and principles. Like I always said there are no mistakes in life only lessons.

God has opened my eyes, and made me stand up for the right and best of all opened a world of opportunity to explore. I have started to spend lot of my time in self exploration, in my relationship with my wife, two wonderful boys, my well wishers, my students, old and new who have stood beside me and said knowingly or unknowingly I have made a difference in their lives. I have chosen to live my life in Budo every movement, for a short time, I became a different person, became very angry that some one I trusted all my life could call me a thief and fraud and spoiling innocent children's lives, but you know what? It does not matter, like they say "OPINIONS ARE LIKE NOSES" every one has one. I know who I am and what I have done. Just because some one is mean to you it does not mean you have to mean to them!
Budo is not an eye for an eye!


In Budo
Sriram Rangan


SanketP said...

I agree with you. He was like a father figure to us all. I am a student of Sensai Sunder and Sensai Sudeep in Dombivli. I knw how mch they are hurt and I am hurt too. But as you said, he has knowingly or unknowingly taught us to live like a good person. So we thank him for that and move on.

Do vent out your anger by writing, if not in this blog, then in a notepad and then you can delete it. I am mch younger than you to advise you. Just praying for you and ur family.

And hey congrats for the two lively kids.

SUNDAR said...

The Deceit

This part of my experience in my life is unforgettable and has made an impression that has scars over innocence of a child who considered some one an Angel that will change lives of not only mine but many students like me. Today I am going to express these deliberately hidden feelings of mine for the sake of expression and also a genuine warning for those entire teenage enthusiasts who might dream about achieving something in life with the help of a mentor.

Often people get conned in many situations like stock market, financial deals – business, schemes to double your money, marriage, friendship, property deals, stuff you might buy so on and so forth. Me at the age of 11 with group of school friends got into something which we were so excited like all other sports enthusiast that we could not believe that we were being misguided for 14 years. We joined Mr. T. Ravindran aka Rajaguru Ravindran(RGR), then a III Dan Black Belt to learn what he called True Martial Art and Path to Life. Though we did learn the Martial Art which was not directly from him but from Sensei R. Sriram, who is the most influential person in my life in terms of my character and professionalism, and made me confident to defend myself, I can say that, there was lot of things that did not make sense in terms of Path to Life which was RGR’s doctrine.

Things were preached but never practiced by RGR himself. RGR’s behaviors were not at all professional, which as a Sportsman he should have been. He spent eons of time in lecturing about Good, Bad & Truth in Life or there were times when he would steal famous messages and claim it is his own such as “Talk Less, Work More” (from Pt. Nehru), “Have Belief, But Don’t Believe”(from Art of War) etc. He had no guilt about such imbecile plagiarism. Then there were things mentioned quiet often such as 6 most important words, 5 most important words etc. which were silly placards messages available at Archies Greeting Card Store, told to us as his own words. His philosophy was mostly stolen. Often instead of teaching martial art he would brag about his achievements in his School days as a rowdy or his martial art prowess in tournaments or his dramatic personal life events of saving women from road side Romeos or real life villains. I personally only heard these things but never listened, but there were students who got inspired to repeat the same and ended up in legal entangle. Strange he would ask us to be kind, be disciplined and have patience but he was the first one to loose temper whenever things went wrong. He will always say he would never do business or politics or be at the wrong side of the society, but I personally found his business acumen was sharp; he did support politics and politicians in his home town Avadi, Chennai and had some of local dons collecting extortion money from fruit-vegetable vendors as their occupation. He had told us he was collecting fees from us to start an Orphanage which never started in 15 years but he definitely made yearly trips to US, UK, Canada etc. Then there were frequent intervention in our personal lives in terms of Career and Life Partner choice. Some of the students, who were close to him so that he can influence their life, were almost ridiculed and ostracized for having an affair. It was the biggest sin. Why would some one find it wrong if some one is choosing their life partner? But RGR did! There were restrictions in the beginning for having feelings towards any karate student. Then there were situations often created like a Court Room Drama, when some one complained about some one about some thing that was not appropriate by Master’s ethos(I don’t know what were his ethos?) and RGR would obviously become the Judge, though biased towards people who were his retinue or kiss-a**.

I was deeply hurt when I learned this and decided to focus on Martial Art only and made amendments to keep him away from our life so that the real thing called karate could be put into mainstream. I wanted to do this so that I could have made it a career. The biggest shock came in when we realized that he was not authorized to run a Martial Art by the All India Karate Federation. That day was the last day in his system and I decided to leave RGR’s organization.

RGR claims he knows 19 different styles and arts, but he never had time to teach us, no wonder he was not authorized. People lie to hide their mistakes but RGR was hiding his lies by doing mistakes. He crashed our hope in Martial Art as a Career and as a Sport that can be envied. Today without martial art I am 69kg, but back then I was encouraged to eat more and never had a rigorous practice which made me 85kg+. The last time my weight was under control was when I had an Intensive Training under Sensei Sriram who is by the way a true Sportsman so, not even fitness was his concern. The only thing went on was his Psychology, Philosophy and Astrology. Yes, he turned himself into a fortune teller for all the students as a guiding force in their lives. There was everything except Martial Art.

In the world of RGR only people who surrendered to him and ignored his misdoings were the right person who enjoyed “certain” privileges, rest of us like us were mostly ignored for our honesty perhaps. There was no growth in Instructorship or anything else. RGR spent his time in traveling and lecturing instead of putting effort to collect funding for those Martial Artists who cannot afford to go abroad for Tournaments etc. By the way there were hardly any tournaments out of the organization, least was International.

I would strongly recommend people to stay away from such deceits by any one especially when they want to consider some one as their mentor. A better advice is to take the longest time to choose some one as your mentor. For me there were lots of losses especially my Sports Dream was crashed into million pieces. This one deceit left such a scar that today, I am afraid to take a second chance in anything. Though I am not paranoid, but RGR has made me skeptic in everything. Many of us have moved on with something to learn from the experience, but that is a consequence and the time wasted is irreparable.

Unknown said...

This is to record the reactions from the "Yawalkar sisters".
There were few things in the blog, which we were aware about, Others have come as a BIG SHOCK. When we learnt some 5-6 years ago that the so-called POOR CHIEF MASTER has got crores of property in his name (papers of which were accidentally found by one of his Mumbai students), we came to know what a cheat he was.... But, to tell you very frankly Sriram Master, even at that time, we NEVER EVER imagined, that a day would come when YOU and him would separate. The filthy legal notice that he has sent you, the 3rd class looting that he has done to young students, the dirty language that he has used about KILLING you…. All this is such a shame to humanity.
Has he forgotten that GOD alone gives birth and takes away life… How can HE kill you?
Has he forgotten that GOD exists…
Even in those days, when we were all together with him, when he used to accept money collected by young college students from their pocket money, we used to think how can a man, who says he serves the poor, accept money from such students who themselves come from a moderate economical class??
Life has taught me one very important thing in life…
“Don’t try to control things, which are beyond your control…
Just do your best in any situation, which life throws you into.”
GOD will punish him, for whatever wrong-doings he has done.
We, as victims, can only ensure to continue to have belief in ourselves and not lose hope in humanity and the wonderful world that God has given us.
You, Sriram master, have a wonderful wife and 2 boys…
You might have financial loses, but at least you and your family is intact.
That man could not break your relationship with your family.
This is your victory over him.
We will all continue to pray for you…
We have not forgotten you and will never do.

- Piyu and Riya.


Thank you Piyu and Riya, I have chosen to stop this man once and for all from his spoiling more innocent lives and hence the Blog.

Your comments will enlighten students and parents about the truth about this man. What has happened in my life is very sad but like you said no one can break me or my family and I am thankful that he showed his true character. It is very sad he is spoiling another girls life, or should I say he has already.

Please stay in touch and ask more students to read this blog and comment on it on their experience. SEEK THE TRUTH has become a mission of my life to expose this man and his wrong doings. He need to pay his price.

God bless and please give my respects to your parents.

Sriram Master

Jeffrey Devos said...

I was Sensei Sriram's student and I was the first Canadian student to go to India for Intensive Training and my black belt grading. My experience will be somewhat unique as I was not culturally cognizant of Indian culture. Therefore I was always somewhat willing to allow that what I did not understand was due to language or cultural differences. Yet these differences were easily overlooked by what I saw in the characters of the students who followed this man so earnestly.

I have always maintained that the test of any organization is the people that it creates. I saw great people so I made the assumption that it was a direct result of RGR (as prior student has called him, so will I). I will never call him those previous terms of endearment Master or Rajaguru after here mentioning them for clarifications sake.

What I knew of this man only from Sensei Sriram and joining his classes in Guelph Ontario. I had been training in various martial arts since the age of 7 and I had my experiences will martial art instructors of all types. Sensei Sriram was different. Sincere and motivated by something greater then himself, I was motivated to understand what that was like and so trained diligently. I met RGR at my yellow belt grading for Shotokan Karate and made the promise then that when I took my black belt it would be in India. So it was that years later I found myself in India, fulfilling my promise to myself and seeing again the beautiful students that this organization had helped forge and the lasting connections with souls I may never again meet in this lifetime – the many wonderful students I trained with.

Never was I fully committed to this man RGR, what I knew was through the character of Sensei Sriram and his admonitions of this man's good deeds and pure intent. My personal childhood and life experiences gave me the wisdom to understand that trust is not given – it is earned, and so I never gave my truest beliefs to this fellow. Often, I felt that something was wrong with his logic or thinking, but I would again defer to a lack of cultural understanding – those aspects of Indian culture that hold teachers and guru's in high esteem, and are somewhat foreign to many Westerner's, or the inherent language barriers that exist between cultures. I would consistently be drawn back to the fact that if so many people of good caliber came from this man's influence, I must persevere to understand what lessons lie yet unrevealed. Whether it was in India or Canada, this man seemed to embody the benevolence and charity that I felt was so sorely lacking in our modern, materialistic culture.

I could list so many examples of times that I disagreed with RGR's opinion or thoughts on something, but how could I disagree will all the solid people I was meeting who were associated and motivated to extend this man's vision?

My mother always said that the line between a cult and an organization are separated by a very thin line of fanaticism – this is truly sagacious advice. The more I heard and felt about what was happening in Ontario, the more I felt a subtle sense that something was amiss. In fact, this stopped me from teaching and opening a school in RGR name for more than 5 years. Something in my soul, mind and heart rebelled at this notion – though I could not name what it was. As it turns out, it was only by some unseen grace that I listened to my innermost thoughts and started teaching under the auspice of something different, with the desire to teach martial art not laden with baggage or doctrine- true budo, the path of self awareness as Sensei Sriram has stated.

The great irony of this all, is that it is through the misguided and selfish wishes of one poor man, that so many have gained insight into the deeper mysteries of what human character can be – both good and evil. I am still of mixed emotions as to whether to thank or hate him for this.

One thing I know, for good or ill, the very lessons I learned within this journey and experience with RGR and his students, has taught me that the most unlikely values of goodness, faith, charity and truth will rise like fat to the surface of a pail of water, no matter how filthy the water is in which it floats.

Vigilance is the price for knowledge and self-awareness. It is the price we must pay in proportion to the value of the lessons learned.

This is small recompense to those who have spent many innumerable years under the misguided altruism of RGR. Yet it speaks to the truth of the search for knowledge, the value of what we learn is in proportion to the effort, challenge and strife we have spent in attaining it.

Most of all we must feel sorry for RGR, surrounded by so much purity, faith and dignity he has knowingly or unknowingly helped develop, he cannot see past the Maya (those illusions of life) that he has so often spoke against.

We all travel a unique path, and to those whom I have touched and those who have touched my life I wish to reiterate the words of Bruce Lee “take what is useful and develop from there.” Even a bad example is still an example and within it has innumerable lessons to teach.

The blatant misdeeds of this man continue to shock and embarrass many who believed in this fellow. Let us remember, however, that it should not be looked upon as poor judgment or blindness that so many of us did not see the truth of this man's character - I feel that we all want to believe in the inherent goodness of human souls.

Let me finally add, that it is easy for everyone to be benevolent and kind when life is good and things are great. The ultimate test is what happens when your world falls apart and things hit rock bottom. This is when are deepest convictions are tested - not what we say but what we DO. When RGR feels threatened he seems to respond as a scared cornered animal. When his student of 28 years was tested, he choose to continue and persevere on the course he has been living since I met him more than 14 years ago. The adage that actions speak louder than words applies here in every sense.

This is only my humble opinion on the matter and is here written for what value it may offer to others.

I stand by the character of Sensei Sriram, the students I have trained with, met and spoken with. I wish everyone the best of good fortune. Let us always search for truth and not be afraid to acknowledge when we are wrong in the process.

Piyu Y said...

Sriram Master,
Piyu here...
Can i get your e-mail id please??
I noticed that you have broken the blog into several tabs... Also, you have deleted some sensitive information. Why dont you create another tab for the comments. So, one who wants to add/view comments can just go there and do the same. Cos, just now it took sometime for me to search for the comments... :-)


Piyu my email address is

Anonymous said...

You know! I never thought of this day to come, but it did. I've been a student of Sriram master for the past 5 years and after reading the letter that man sent him, it was shocking to hear. That man went around telling everyone that Sriram master is his soul and then getting this.

That man is well educated but, with his speech he can draw anybody under his control. He has the power to brain wash someone.Even I felt for his speech, but you can only know the truth when you listen to both sides of the stories. Many people only listen to that mans story, however no one had heard it from Sriram master and they judge on what they heard, not what they know. If people get the chance to listen to Sriram master's story please do hear it, it is the truth.

All throughtout my karate life, i've only learned from Sriram master. Just seeing those kids i've taught going away like that is shocking, but we must think of how Sriram master feels and how many kids he lost because of that man.

I know Budo Martial Arts is going to be a success because of the calmness you have Sriram master, that man is rushing to get you into big trouble, but your calmness and paitence will do good in the future.

Sachin naik said...

"Master.... HOSS...!
read every thing on u'r blog...... and really SHOCKED.....
with u at least.... it is just unbelievable..........
is GURU-SHISHYA parampara a fake master..?
pls answer......
i feel . . todays world is ment only for money & nothing else...
Atleast with u this thing must have not happened........

"i dont know the exact year ,............but....
think so...8-9 yrs back.... i used to have a shop in Dombivli . . which i use to give on leave & licence basis... after the death of there was no income source in my house......
may be due to my badluck or my straight forwardness.... i faced many problems in getting a genuine customer for my shop. if any one delays in paying the money(rent) in time frequently..... i use to remove that customer or i tend him to runaway with immediate effect (pls dont ask how)....

any way,....i use to say each & every problems of mine to master(RGR).... as V all taken him next to GOD....
He was every thing for us... after u went CANADA.
i literally have spoiled relations from my relatives who tried even to speak anything bad about or joke about RGR.
i given him place more than my parents..... which i felt so much after i lost them.... that i lost the valuable timeat this man's feet... which i would have spended with my parents.."

"i wrote each & every point in it according to my uncles knowledge that if any false thing happens i wont come in problem....This was the second time in life i had a dual mind about RGR..but still i was believing him though confuse minded.
mahesh, anjan were not having any idea about this i hope....
in the agreement i not mentioned the word ''RENT''.which would have ruined me... i used-- monthly money against the usage of shop.
and then 2 months passed & no money to me.. i cant even ask directly.... but after all i had to ask for... the reply came "We will give... When Master says to give" RGR use to be in chennai what should i do i was not knowing... how to tell RGR only after first 2 months. but afterall i had to run my house.. atlast i asked RGR on phn. he told "dont worry i will send money" next day mahesh came with half the money & asked me the receipt of the RENT.(which if i would have given , i would have lost my shop)"

i asked my uncle ... he told "NO, V R not taking any rent,V cant give receipt... asthe agreement is not rental base(PAAGDI).mahesh came to me along with a receipt book.& forced me to sign on it & told me that RGR has asked for the receipt for some acconts balancesheet..maintaning& that kind of stuff.... my uncle told me at the begining that these all tricks of bringing me in fault may be tried so play safe...
any way i never given them receipt. then again after 2-3 months they not given me the money, i use to ask mahesh, his sister, anjan... but they use to go on the same days they started to behave totally buisnessminded with me.... & some times used abruptive words for me in my back ...but i overlooked.. in meanwhile GANGADHAR use to come on RGR's behalf & give me 4-5 months payment onehanded at a time.... once i asked him about why he is paying me,when he himself is not involved in INFOTECH buisness.....his answer was,............
" master said... that is it, I am giving the money to you, you just take it. when master says some thing no further discussion."
he was innocently going on paying me his money, ...i was feeling but cant help.... i felt many times that GANGADHAR is being used but who had the guts to speak in KSPI.
The same story was repeating on for many months... & then once they use to do whatever they want in my shop viz:- breaking my old furniture, breaking the external wall of my shop for sliding window... for which society send me warning Notice.. i shouted on these people for the first time & asked them to rebuild the wall within 2days... or else they have to vacate the RAJGURU INFOTECH immediately. i said the whole story to RGR in a bit unhappy or vigoured voice & words.. RGR agreed immed. as if he had to agree.
then again the same problem of money.. once i asked RGR that if there is no buisness going proper why not stop the INFOTECH. i told i will give the shop to some one else......."

"The very next day mahesh came to me & said that they wont stop the buisness & will some or the other day purchase my shop. i told i m not in the mood to sale it & if i would i will search for a high payer person. on this he said NO, NO... master will decide the amount & then purchase...& he laughed... i also took him lightly as i was knowing what to do,& when...afterall it was totally my wish ..atleast about my shop.
after some months again the same money payment problem...this time 3-4 months pending..... i use to call on phn but every time new excuses... i cant even call RGR 'cause there was a ritual of not allowing students to talk with master..rules made by these people. the ans was "master busy hai baad me phn karo". & u know how & what busy he was.... after some days my aunty called by phn in the shop & asked about the money & why r'nt these people responding gently..On this Mahesh & Anjan called me up & in a scolding voice said me.."that your aunty should not call here again."

..Do You Understand... master will tell and send the Money ,then only you will get your money.. and we do not listen to any one except master.... next time if your aunty calls we will tell her off".& kept the phn without hearing me...
this was an ultimatum to my Kindness& politeness... as my aunty is next to my Mom for me....
i called mahesh again & asked them to move out of my shop immediatelly... & scolded mahesh in my way... mahesh & anjan was now in a calm talk.. seeing my way of talking to them.
i wrote a letter to RGR regarding this & asked him to
"vacate immediately with remaining payment or else i will throw out every single person from my shop along with the computers..& anjan & mahesh will see what i m... & asked him to give my full remaining payment or else i wont give any of the computers.... i also wrote that.. only for master's sake i am calm or else no one will go out of Dombivli with ther own legs... i will make hell of any body who will argue my aunty."
imediately next day RGR..."

RGR called me & told me that he has asked anjan to vacate the shop...... & pay the remaining amount. as i locked the shop door with my lock...the same night.
i had to take the step as i was smelling some fishy plans about my shop getting loosed by me....i was just wating for a point...
then once again GANGADHAR came & paid me the remaining....
thats all......
i removed this chapter from my life as a past.... but still cant FORGET... it remained somewhere inside as a Uncurable...

I latter heard that he accused Gangadhar as well and now he has also left him, every one knows Gangadhar was the one who bought his house, Car and took care of all his finance and this man has the guts to say he never takes any thing from others.

It is very sad today that he has accuses Sriram Master also who was responsible to develop his Karate classes bring him to Canada, this man is the most selfish person one can ever see. He has spoiled lot of childrens life in the name of serving people and helping kids and in the name of spirituality.

Unknown said...

As a student of only Sriram masters, not Ravindrans I can say I have been taught what has been taught to Sriram Master, btu only through Sriram Master and thus my guru is Sriram Master. the reason why i say this is because of certain personal experiences that i have had with ravindran. i never knew what was going on, but something about being at class was awkward. Everytime i would go to class, he would tell or "lecture" or "educate" me he would say "i am the master not him, i have brought up RMAA." And he would always talk bad things about Sriram Master and Sensei Vaishali. Ravindran would tell us things that a little kid should not hear. things as oh He is a fraud, cheat, etc.I mean thats not what you tell little kids. Sure I am a little older now but, even after he would tell little little kids such as 5 years old. he would tell them he is evil , dont let his shadow get on you dont let even his spit on you.i mean using your brain their is abviously something wrong with this self procalimed "Rajaguru" and his false life. What made me dislike him and know who he truly is was when i had gone to get y uniform from class one day, i had gone to get my uniform and he never said anything till i had gone in, perhaps he though that i was going to change and join class. Then he saw me leave the changeroom with a bag, he came upto me and asked what i was doing, i told him i am taking my things and leaving, right there he had yelled at me. "YOU DO NOT STEP INSIDE MY CLASS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION" He was so close to my face when he said this maybe 1 inch away.I was standing there silently, but i have to admit that i was a little scared, i was scared because of how loud he raised his voice and how violent he had seemed. I had never seen that side before. My image of him used to be what he "claims to be" a "spiritual leader."

Malcolm said...

Dear Sri Sir,
This is just shocking. I personally know what a faithful student and much more than that, you were to your Master. This is absolutely ridiculous.Please give me your number. Please e mail to I want to talk to you. I am deeply sad after I heard this.
I never expected something like this from your Master....Shocking.......


Unknown said...

Dear Sriram,
I read, even reread your blog. Thank God that it happened finally. Now you are a free man. Only I know how much you loved this fellow ravindran thangappan, more than your parents, your family and yourself. In fact we all loved him more than everything in our life. But he misused us all for his own selfish use. Just for an example, I have seen your previous website; there were lots of his photos not one about you or about the instructors or about the students. Only him, in all his fake fame, we made him all he is now. But he throws us. You are the last one to come out of him and it should be an end to him. It should not happen to anyone anymore.
Sriram, please STOP this fellow “rajaguru ravindran”; he is a danger to our society. You have brought this fellow inside our Country and now it is your responsibility to send him back. Stop him please. Publish all what you have written in the blog in the newspapers and in the magazines in Canada and in India. It is time that people should know about this fellow. I request you, please STOP him. You are the only person who can do it. We are all here to help you in any way. And also it is your responsibility and duty towards your Country, parents, family and to your Students.

May God give you strength to do this.

Big Brother

Unknown said...

Dear Sriram,

As I wrote earlier you need to stop this fellow. Contact all who are still with him; send them the blog and other information. If they respond fine other wise they will share all the responsibility with this fellow. Our duty is to inform them about the dangers. Also please contact Zen karate llc based in USA Mr. Senbag, you know him well as I do. But inform him that if he helps this fellow ravindran to escape to USA after knowing all this incidents he and his organization will face legal responsibilities of USA and Canada. It is our responsibility to let him know officially and please post all the correspondence with them on the blog. We have to stop him before he escapes to USA. Send all the information about this fellow "rajaguru ravindran" to all world karate organizations so that they will be on the same line.
We need to stop him in all possible fronts. We need to show him that we are smarter than him, because he brought us with his smartness and we know how smart he is and we can, yes we can block his smartness. Only we can face him and no one other than us can face him you know about that. So let us all get together and save our community and our children. We have to show the world how a guru should not be. He is the perfect example for that.

Always with you,
Big Brother

babaman said...


I was a resident of Avadi about 22 years back and back then Ravindran was an irritating wannabe, riding his yezdi motorcycle by half an ass hanging out, he ran into silly skirmishes with our local boys and had been thoroughly thrashed in public by them.. the sight was humorous, out of a b grade movie.. Ravindran used to a bruce lee number, with his crouching moves and crossed arms, the moment he moved, the boys came down like a ton of bricks over him.. and it always took some senior citizen or concerned ladies to save him from being lynched.. I am amazed that this guy went far as a 'Rajguru' status with a devoted following.. chanced upon this blog while doing a search on Avadi, thought had to share this with you..


Thanks for sharing babaman.


Hi, I read your blog and it is quiet sad to be betrayed by someone whom you had enormous trust on. I was just wondering whether you knew that Grand Master John Samson Dass has passed away last year..just to let you know.
I have one question though; I presume Mr. Ravindran's highest karate dan achieved is 7th-dan...then how can he call himself a Grandmaster? Based on my understandings (in which I am pretty sure that it is ture), Grandmasters are those who have a 10th I rite?

Shobha said...

Surprise!! Surprise!!! Mr. Rajaguru T Ravindran shafting more innocent people… Well! hardly a surprise to me that Mr. RajaGuru is now publicly acknowledged FakeGuru. I still recall my teen days and share the privilege of growing up with Vaishali and Sriram Sir who had an immense positive influence over me. Mr. FakeGuru tried all his mental gymnastics to sometimes charm me, or times interfere in my relationsip with my male or female friends. He even tried to create rift between me and my parents. But I was fortunate to have a wider friend circle and supportive parents whose influence made me question his logic from time to time and his approach just did not make any sense to me at all. Sorry guys, I never learned anything good from this guy. In the end I had to dump Mr. FakeGuru and I told him to his face 20 years back that he was using Sriram for his selfish needs. I also warned some of the Karate friends to be cautious. I never looked back since.

Google search after 20 years lead me to this blog and I was absolutely gob-smacked to find out the ordeal that Sriram Sir and Vaishali have had to go through for the sacrifices they have made for the organization. Mr. FakeGuru T. Ravindran does not even have the decency to acknowledge the sacrifice made by Sriram Sir. On the contrary he has the audacity to come up with his usual cunning smear agenda which will not clearly stand the test of time.

Mr. T. Ravindran is full of Sh*t and smells of roses. He would suck up to the rich and famous with his tongue wagging out like a dog in search of a juicy bone. He calls himself “RGR” after “MGR” and in my teens Mr. FakeGuru told me how he will one day succeed Mr. MGR. Well!! Mr. RGR has every potential to beat anyone in the number of keeps who to his deluded mind comes across as followers. As Pathetic as it gets Mr. FakeGuru in one of the blogs sucks up to actor Rajnikant and patronizes him with words to attain Moksha. Poor Rajnikant could potentially blow up every little chance of Moksha if he falls into the FakeGuru Maya trap. Mr. RGR backstabbed the very student who gave his life away and has the nerves to advise peeps on spirituality. Classic example of quality followers expressed in Mr.FakeGuru (aka Flora)’s blog dedicated by his ardent follower to Sriram Sir in a filthy language struggling to make a point. Any educated person with a decent upbringing would struggle to get thru the blog beyond 2 sentences. It came across like a pathetic dog barking for no reason. Mr. FakeGuru hasn’t quiet risen above his Avadi Rogue gang-mates an expects people to buy into his stinky useless principles which if lucky could qualify for a standup comedy show

Ah! The most hilarious thing was a picture of the Big Fat Baldy Grumpy Fake Guru squeezing a teddy bear pathetically posing for sympathy vote. Poor Mr. Teddy might be desperate to have a dip in the holy Ganges after that squeeze from a p****. Barking Dogs don't bite.

On that note Sriram Sir and Vaishali your life is beginning to blossom now. You have support of all your students and well wishers who have known you for years. Your pure love for your teacher has set an example for us albeit sadly your teacher turned out to be undeserving. I still commend you for standing up against an injustice of 28 years. We love you and nothing bad can happen to lovely people like you and lovely-jubbly Vaishali. We must celebrate this freedom from hell soon.

Shobha said...

Surprise!! Surprise!!! Mr. Rajaguru T Ravindran shafting more innocent people… Smells of Roses full of Sh*t. Well! hardly a surprise to me that Mr. RajaGuru is now publicly acknowledged FakeGuru. I still recall my teen days and share the privilege of growing up with Vaishali and Sriram Sir who had an immense positive influence over me. Mr. FakeGuru tried all his mental gymnastics to interfere in my relationship with my friends and also tried to create rift between me and my parents. But I was fortunate to have come through this by constantly questioning his logic and eventually I dumped him 20 years back and told him to his face that he was using Sriram for his selfish needs. I also warned some of the Karate friends to be cautious. I never looked back since.

Google search after 20 years lead me to this blog and I was just gob-smacked to find out the ordeal that Sriram Sir and Vaishali have had to go through for the sacrifices they have made for their teacher. Mr. FakeGuru T. Ravindran does not even have the decency to acknowledge the sacrifice made by Sriram Sir. On the contrary he has the audacity to come up with his usual cunning smear agenda which in my humble opinion will not stand the test of time. After 20 years not one bit about this guy has changed Mr. FakeGuru in one of the blogs sucks up to actor Rajnikant and patronizes him with spiritual advice. Staying away from fake guru will definitely accelerate spiritual progress Mr.FakeGuru aka RGR back-stabbed his very student who gave his life away and has the nerves to advise peeps on spirituality. Classic example of quality followers in Mr.FakeGuru (or Flora)’s blog, dedicated by his ardent follower to Sriram Sir in a filthy language struggling to make a point but certainly depicts the quality of the FakeGuru's influence. Ah! The most hilarious thing was a picture of the Big Fat Baldy Grumpy RGR in the same blog squeezing a teddy bear pathetically posing for sympathy vote. Poor Mr. Teddy might be desperate for a dip in the holy Ganges after that squeeze.

@Sriram Sir & @Vaishali, I have known you for a long time. It is really time to throw that party to celebrate freedom from hell. Mr. FakeGuru’s days are numbered and will not stand the test of time. Sriram Sir and Vaishali we love you and God Bless!

Shobha said...

Surprise!! Surprise!!! Mr. Rajaguru T Ravindran shafting more innocent people… Smells of Roses full of Sh*t. Well! hardly a surprise to me that Mr. RajaGuru is now publicly acknowledged FakeGuru. I still recall my teen days and share the privilege of growing up with Vaishali and Sriram Sir who had an immense positive influence over me. Mr. FakeGuru tried all his mental gymnastics to interfere in my relationship with my friends and also tried to create rift between me and my parents. But I was fortunate to have come through this by constantly questioning his logic and eventually I dumped him 20 years back and told him to his face that he was using Sriram for his selfish needs. I also warned some of the Karate friends to be cautious. I never looked back since.
Google search after 20 years lead me to this blog and I was just gob-smacked to find out the ordeal that Sriram Sir and Vaishali have had to go through for the sacrifices they have made for their teacher. Mr. FakeGuru T. Ravindran does not even have the decency to acknowledge the sacrifice made by Sriram Sir. On the contrary he has the audacity to come up with his usual cunning smear agenda which in my humble opinion will not stand the test of time. After 20 years not one bit about this guy has changed Mr. FakeGuru in one of the blogs sucks up to actor Rajnikant and patronizes him with spiritual advice. Staying away from fake guru will definitely accelerate spiritual progress Mr.FakeGuru aka RGR back-stabbed his very student who gave his life away and has the nerves to advise peeps on spirituality. Classic example of quality followers in Mr.FakeGuru (or Flora)’s blog, dedicated by his ardent follower to Sriram Sir in a filthy language struggling to make a point but certainly depicts the quality of the FakeGuru's influence. Ah! The most hilarious thing was a picture of the Big Fat Baldy Grumpy RGR in the same blog squeezing a teddy bear pathetically posing for sympathy vote. Poor Mr. Teddy might be desperate for a dip in the holy Ganges after that squeeze.
@Sriram Sir & @Vaishali, I have known you for a long time. It is really time to throw that party to celebrate freedom from hell. Mr. FakeGuru’s days are numbered and will not stand the test of time. Sriram Sir and Vaishali we love you and God Bless!

Shobha said...

urprise!! Surprise!!! Mr. Rajaguru T Ravindran shafting more innocent people… Smells of Roses full of Sh*t. Well! hardly a surprise to me that Mr. RajaGuru is now publicly acknowledged FakeGuru. I still recall my teen days and share the privilege of growing up with Vaishali and Sriram Sir who had an immense positive influence over me. Mr. FakeGuru tried all his mental gymnastics to interfere in my relationship with my friends and also tried to create rift between me and my parents. But I was fortunate to have come through this by constantly questioning his logic and eventually I dumped him 20 years back and told him to his that he was using Sriram for his selfish needs. I also warned some of the Karate friends to be cautious. I never looked back since.
Google search after 20 years lead me to this blog and I was absolutely gob-smacked to find out the ordeal that Sriram Sir and Vaishali have had to go through for the sacrifices they have made for their teacher. Mr. FakeGuru T. Ravindran does not even have the decency to acknowledge the sacrifice made by Sriram Sir. On the contrary he has the audacity to come up with his usual cunning smear agenda which will not clearly stand the test of time. Mr. FakeGuru in one of the blogs sucks up to actor Rajnikant and patronizes him with spiritual advice. Staying away from fake guru will definitely accelerate spiritual progress Mr.RGR backstabbed his very student who gave his life away and has the nerves to advise peeps on spirituality. Classic example of quality followers expressed in Mr.FakeGuru (aka Flora)’s blog dedicated by his ardent follower to Sriram Sir in a filthy language struggling to make a point depicts the quality of RGR's teachings & influence. Ah! The most hilarious thing was a picture of the Big Fat Baldy Grumpy Fake Guru squeezing a teddy bear pathetically posing for sympathy vote. Poor Mr. Teddy might be desperate to have a dip in the holy Ganges.
Sriram Sir and Vaishali I have known you for a long time. It is really time to throw that party and celebrate freedom from hell. Mr. FakeGuru’s days are numbered and will not stand the test of time. Sriram Sir and Vaishali we love you and God Bless!

Shobha said...

Surprise!! Surprise!!! Mr. Rajaguru T Ravindran shafting more innocent people… Smells of Roses full of Sh*t. Well! hardly a surprise to me that Mr. RajaGuru is now publicly acknowledged FakeGuru. I still recall my teen days and share the privilege of growing up with Vaishali and Sriram Sir who had an immense positive influence over me. Mr. FakeGuru tried all his mental gymnastics to interfere in my relationship with my friends and also tried to create rift between me and my parents. But I was fortunate to have come through this by constantly questioning his logic and eventually I dumped him 20 years back and told him to his face that he was using Sriram for his selfish needs. I also warned some of the Karate friends to be cautious. I never looked back since.
Google search after 20 years lead me to this blog and I was absolutely gob-smacked to find out the ordeal that Sriram Sir and Vaishali have had to go through for the sacrifices they have made for their teacher. Mr. FakeGuru T. Ravindran does not even have the decency to acknowledge the sacrifice made by Sriram Sir. On the contrary he has the audacity to come up with his usual cunning smear agenda which will not clearly stand the test of time. Mr. FakeGuru in one of the blogs sucks up to actor Rajnikant and patronizes him with spiritual advice. Staying away from fake guru will definitely accelerate spiritual progress Mr.RGR back-stabbed his very student who gave his life away and has the nerves to advise peeps on spirituality. Classic example of quality followers expressed in Mr.FakeGuru (aka Flora)’s blog dedicated by his ardent follower to Sriram Sir in a filthy language struggling to make a point depicts the quality of RGR's teachings & influence. Ah! The most hilarious thing was a picture of the Big Fat Baldy Grumpy Fake Guru squeezing a teddy bear pathetically posing for sympathy vote. Poor Mr. Teddy might be desperate to have a dip in the holy Ganges.
Sriram Sir and Vaishali I have known you for a long time. It is really time to throw that party and celebrate freedom from hell. Mr. FakeGuru’s days are numbered and will not stand the test of time. Sriram Sir and Vaishali we love you and God Bless!

Unknown said...

Surprise!! Surprise!!! Mr. Rajaguru T Ravindran shafting more innocent people… Smells of Roses full of Sh*t. Well! hardly a surprise to me that Mr. RajaGuru is now publicly acknowledged FakeGuru. I still recall my teen days and share the privilege of growing up with Vaishali and Sriram Sir who had an immense positive influence over me. Mr. FakeGuru tried all his mental gymnastics to interfere in my relationship with my friends and also tried to create rift between me and my parents. But I was fortunate to have come through this by constantly questioning his logic and eventually I dumped him 20 years back and told him to his face that he was using Sriram for his selfish needs. I also warned some of the Karate friends to be cautious. I never looked back since.
Google search after 20 years lead me to this blog and I was absolutely gob-smacked to find out the ordeal that Sriram Sir and Vaishali have had to go through for the sacrifices they have made for their teacher. Mr. FakeGuru T. Ravindran does not even have the decency to acknowledge the sacrifice made by Sriram Sir. On the contrary he has the audacity to come up with his usual cunning smear agenda which will not clearly stand the test of time. Mr. FakeGuru in one of the blogs sucks up to actor Rajnikant and patronizes him with spiritual advice. Staying away from fake guru will definitely accelerate spiritual progress Mr.RGR back-stabbed his very student who gave his life away and has the nerves to advise peeps on spirituality. Classic example of quality followers expressed in Mr.FakeGuru (aka Flora)’s blog dedicated by his ardent follower to Sriram Sir in a filthy language struggling to make a point depicts the quality of RGR's teachings & influence. Ah! The most hilarious thing was a picture of the Big Fat Baldy Grumpy Fake Guru squeezing a teddy bear pathetically posing for sympathy vote. Poor Mr. Teddy might be desperate to have a dip in the holy Ganges.
Sriram Sir and Vaishali I have known you for a long time. It is really time to throw that party and celebrate freedom from hell. Mr. FakeGuru’s days are numbered and will not stand the test of time. Sriram Sir and Vaishali we love you and God Bless!

Saif Ahmed said...

Dear Master,

I am in a state of shock after reading this. I am sure so will be the case with anyone who has been associated with you when you were setting up the Mumbai units.

Can't believe my eyes. I used to admire the bonding between you and him and used to wonder if such a strong and disciplined relation of "guru shishya" could exist in kalyug .

Feel fortunate that i distanced myself from KSPI after you went to Canada. Was puzzled why Mangal master had started his own academy... I am sure the reason must have had something to do with Mr. T Ravindran.

It was good to learn that you have a lovely family to support you through this shock.

I don't know if you remember me, i was in West Club dojo for about 4 years.

Unknown said... dear sensai SRIRAM sir .
my name is Rahul jedia. son of Mr. SUNIL jedia . from your mumbai classes.. .. my father alwasy. say about You nd. the thief. T ravindran rajaguru ( basterd .Robber...etc) ...
dear sir. mumbai was over past who have. done. nd close. to thief T.ravindran ...
my father is so sad. about his fake guru. ravindran ..
sir i realy wishing to you nd Vaishali mam to achive more succesfull life in future....
my father mising all mumbai karate ka and. teacher. ....master we are always with you ..
master i waiting to your. most important. reply ... . osss

Unknown said...

sensai are sir..
nd wish u happy makar sakranti nd. lohri to you n your family....
i knw sir I am Rahul Jedia son of Mr. SUNIL jedia .
sir i read. all blog as you write ....
sir you write is too truth about the great thief man T. ravindrn .....
becos when i too small then my father was told me that . our Master is a like god who prepare for disiplain.. nd huminty ..
bt this selfise man. destored of my father's life .....nd thank god my father again still groing. up.....
i cant do. say about this selfise guru....
nd last. Papa mammy. apko or vaishali mam ko bhut yaad. miss krte h... mene apke bare m bhut search kiya tb jaker apki dekh paya hu.....bhut khuss hu ki apne claasse vaps start kiya... papa aaj bi un sb karate-kas. ko yaad krte jo mumbai classes m unke sath theee....
apko ek gud news bi dena h.
so plzz i. so waiting for ur importnt reply ..
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