He says love your friends and neighbors at least little, at least the size of your little finger, not too much, if you love them at least little why would they hate you. Love is the most important thing in life and lack of love is the cause of hatred and enimity etc.
After 28 years and living my life with this man, when he sent his legal notice to me accusing me of theft, fraud, and spoiling innocent childrens life, he forgot all the love and service that I had done for this man and his organization. I ask how come he could not love me even a little, the size of his little finger?
If before sending that 9 page legal notice to me, he should have gone and thought about all the things that I have shared with him, past life that I have lived with him, the things I have done for him, the relationships that I sacrifised for him, he would not have sent that legal notice.
This clearly shows that he only preaches and does not follow.
According to him this is the greates charater one can posses, ability to be calm in times of toughness and hard times.
if our relationship is going through tough times, how come Mr. Ravindran did not follow his own principal of being calm and trying to solve this in a proper way. he calls himself an spiritual man, who is ditached from all worldly things, but if you had see how hard he fought for the building, you will see that his focuse was on the material things rather then relationships such as mine for 28 years.
Always have lot of patience he says, but he was the first to send an legal notice when we had an disagreement. do I need to explain more, he claims that I thrented to send him an legal notice and hence he acted first.
Now you tell me is this the character of a person who preaches patience? or some one who has acted in haste?
This is the finger people will point at you when you are not discipline, when you do wrong.
Look at all the things that people are pointing at this man. just to name a few.
- His wifes death
- His second marriage.
- taking money from students.
- taking students property.
- preaching one thing and doing some thing else and the list goes on.
He says never never use this as this is the last thing you need to use, if you follow all of the above principal, you will have no eney at all and every one will love you, so you never have to use this and this braveness should only be a last resort to use.
You show the the thum when you challenge some one.
Look what he has done when he sent his legal notice, he has challenged me, an student of 28 years, who lived hife for this man and served him for 28 years. An student much younger then him. I would like comments on how many of you know that a Guru who has challenges a student in this history. i have not read any, if any one know please let me know.
Now he not only sent me an legal notice, but also to the new landlord accusing him of fraud etc.
On the 21st of April 2009, at around 11.30 am the new owner of the building called the bailiff to close down the karate school for non payment of previous taxes and rent.
When the bailiff came and opened the door, the alrm went of and Mr. ravindran showed up at the karate school. when he the bailiff told they were there to close the school, this man called 911 and told the police that there were 6 people with knifes and gun trying to kill him.
This is Canada, with in 5 minutes, there were six cops who came and surrounded the building with their gun out ready to shoot the person inside the building. After identifying, he was the bailiff and showing all the documents, the police was very upset with Mr. ravindran for making sucha false claim and wasting such a valuable resource and time of the police department and asked him to leave immediately and only come to collect all his personal stuff as the building is offcially closed.
In spite of the police waring this man has so much guts that on thursday he came and broke the lock and went inside and conducted karate class, that evening, Mr. Ravindran and 6 other parents along with that girl student were inside the karate class, when the police and bailiff asked them to open the dorr they refused to do so, eventually, the bailiff broke the lock and the police almost charged Mr. Ravindran, but they sure did make a note of his manupulation and warned him that if they ever see him again in that building they will have no option to arrest his as he has lied to the police too many times.
They gave him and the other people 5 minutes to pack their stuff and leave and they wer forced to leave.
What took me 15 years to establish has be ruined by one man single handedly in one year. he keeps saying to people around him that gid is watching and he will punish me, but what he is failing to realize is that his name, his school and his stauts in the community has be trashed by hiself and in fact god is opunishin him but it is too sad that he can not see that.
This man is an danger to any society and I will only tell one this, Mr. Ravindran is full of himself.
Self humilation, and still he thingks he is doing the right thing. I am waiting for that final judgement of God on how he punishes this man for all his wrong doing. but in the mean time, it will be intersting to watch more of this mans action.
Keep reading and leaving your comments and I shall keep posting more as it comes.
In Budo
Sriram Rangan
1 comment:
hahaha, Ravindran is simply hilarious! He does a perfectly fine job ruining his own name, reputation, and status. Perhaps if he created his own reputation and status through hard work without others promoting him, he might have known better! He is his own weakness.
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